Impressive, hundreds of small, shiny, silver glitter flakes float around inside the LED glitter lamp.
This alone has a very chilling effect. When switched on, a fascinating color change begins, which remains in exciting rotation thanks to an interval whirlpool. Different shades of red, green and blue shimmer through the filled liquid, mix, form new color combinations and are broken and reflected by the glitter plates. There are always new and different color variations. It is a fantastic spectacle that is almost mesmerizing and calming and relaxing in the most pleasant way. Ideal for putting children to sleep and as a night light for orientation.
In any case, this stylish party light is the classic with a 70s look. Your room becomes a real little chill-out zone. If you don't relax here, it's your own fault. In any case, we treat ourselves to this mental break! You too?
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