DRAKES PRIDE WINWAX Winwax A citrus based bowls wax specially formulated to give both a high shine and incredible grip to the surface of the bowl. 60g Tubs .Grippo equivalent
Customers reviews bellow..
“Rub it on .. leave a while, then polish it .. will give you a super grip and last. The best I've used, but sticky for indoor use”
“Used to use crack a jack , but can not find now , This is almost as good Decent shine and grip”
“Perfect for lawn green bowls & hand's grips well
Does what it says, the smell is a very strong citrus, the tub that I got had an air pocket in one side so when getting some wax out it dropped down so weather it is sold on weight or if it looks full (which it did). If your playing in the rain depending on how hard you dry bowls it would need to be reapplied”
“Very good product for the money”
“Easy to use and makes the woods shine”
“Good product. Not as noxious smelling as similar products and the grip lasts for a whole match. I haven't tried it in wet conditions yet”